Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Landscaping Tip for Spring: Prune!

Spring officially arrived a little over a month ago, and we've been seeing signs of live from dormant plants and wildlife for a few weeks. If you're tasked with landscaping at your home, there are a number of different steps you can take to make sure your property is ready for the spring, but one of the most important things you can do is prune.

Pruning is the act of removing parts of a plant. Branches, buds, roots, or other areas are all fair game for removal. There are a few rules that should be adhered to when pruning. For instance, flowering plants should be pruned only after they've flowered. When pruning trees, prune only the branches that grow up or down, or cross over other branches. Plants should be pruned to their natural shape, if necessary.

Not comfortable handling such tasks on your own, or do you have a larger landscaping project that needs taken care of? Root's Nurseries is more than happy to help. Give us a call today at (717) 898-0041, or complete a free landscaping estimate request on our website.